[ITNOG] Genoa Question

Roderick Beck roderick.beck@networksourcing.net
Sab 25 Gen 2025 12:01:41 CET

Trieste is diverse to Marseille and Grenoble, and has very low latency to
Austria,Switzerland, Germany, Northern Europe, etc. I believe the harbor is
big and deep enough to accommodate many cables.

We see the same pattern happening everywhere. Landing point
diversification. On the US everything used to land in New York and New
Jersey. Then the cables headed South to land at Virginia Beach, Virginia.
Now several cables are using Myrtle Beach, California.

On the European side mostAtlantic  cables landed in the UK. Then France,
Denmark, and finally Spain and Portugal.

A single Internet gateway for the Mediterranean is an invitation to
disaster. The OTTs know this and they apparently care about resiliency than
the stodgy PTTs.


Roderick Beck
Network Capacity Sourcing - Broker
Mobile: 00-36-70-605-5144.
Landline: 1-908-452-8183
Email: roderick.beck@networksourcing.net
Telegram: @RoderickBeck
Tallinn & Budapest.
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