[ITNOG] Genoa Question
Roderick Beck
Mer 22 Gen 2025 14:12:58 CET
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Do you think Genoa has the potential to become a major peering point given
the large number of high capcity cables landing there? That's how Marseille
became a peering point. A large number of cables put their CLS equipment in
the Marseille Interxion 1 and 2 buildings and soon those riding the cables
started cross connecting.
Genoa cables include
1. 2Africa. 180 Tbps design capacity.
2. Blue-Raman. 218 Tbps design capacity.
3. Sipartech's Medloop. ???
4. Unitirreno. (At least 320 Tbps depending on the branch).
Let me know your thoughts on or off-list.
Roderick Beck
Network Capacity Sourcing - Broker
Mobile: 00-36-70-605-5144.
Landline: 1-908-452-8183
Email: roderick.beck@networksourcing.net
Telegram: @RoderickBeck
Tallinn & Budapest.
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