[ITNOG] Only 10 days left to ITNOG4
Marco Marzetti
Lun 29 Ott 2018 14:22:36 CET
Today it marks 10 days before of ITNOG4 - Our annual conference.
In case you haven't registered yet, please visit this URL:
Here's a brief reminder about the agenda:
Bilateral meeting sessions and social event will take place on Thursday
08th November 2018, 15:00 - 22:30 @ Sympò (MeetingTool sponsored by NaMeX)
Main conference will take place Friday 09th November 2018, 09:30 - 17:30 @
Area ricerca CNR Bologna
More details on the logistic on our webiste.
URL: https://www.itnog.it/itnog4/
In case you have questions please send an email to: meeting@itnog.it
A special thanks to our sponsors:
NaMeX, Netflix, Worldstream, RIPE, TOP-IX, MIX, IRIDEOS, NTT
Communications, Eolo, TWT, Juniper
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