Brian Turnbow b.turnbow@twt.it
Ven 26 Ott 2018 18:32:41 CEST

The CFP for ITNOG4 has come to a close and I wanted to thank everyone for
the submissions.
The committee is going through them all and will be notifying everyone
shortly as well as publishing the agenda.
We have some great topics so make sure to sign up for the event 
Looking forward to seeing everyone there
Brian Turnbow
TWT S.p.A. 
Viale Jenner, 33 - 20159 Milano - Italy
Tel +39-02-89089.1 - Fax +39-02-89089.211
E-mail:  <mailto:b.turnbow@twt.it> b.turnbow@twt.it- Web:
<http://www.twt.it/> http://www.twt.it
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