[ITNOG] Fwd: [atlas] [Training] Launching RIPE NCC::Educa - Online Learning Event

Massimiliano Stucchi mstucchi@ripe.net
Mar 12 Set 2017 19:06:18 CEST


come training services department stiamo preparando questa iniziativa
online, un webinar lungo un intero giorno per discutere di aspetti
legati a RIPE Atlas.

La registrazione e' gratuita e trovate tutti i riferimenti sotto.  Se vi
servono maggiori info, scrivetemi pure.


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	[atlas] [Training] Launching RIPE NCC::Educa - Online Learning
Date: 	Mon, 4 Sep 2017 14:23:08 +0200
From: 	Sandra Bras <sbras@ripe.net>
To: 	ripe-atlas@ripe.net

Dear colleagues,

The RIPE NCC has a new way to dive deep into a topic without having to
travel or leave your desk.
RIPE NCC::Educa are free, online learning events that bring industry
experts together to share insight, expertise and best practice with
those that want more in-depth knowledge on a particular subject.
Our first event focuses on RIPE Atlas on Thursday, 5 October from 8:00 -
13:00 UTC.
Reserve your place here:

You can join us for one session, multiple sessions or the full
programme. We’re updating the agenda constantly, so be sure to check
here for the latest additions:

For more information on RIPE NCC::Educa, check out our RIPE Labs

If you have any questions, please get in touch with us:
<e-learning@ripe.net <mailto:e-learning@ripe.net>>

Warm regards,
Sandra Brás
E-Learning Program Manager

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