[ITNOG] [OT] FW: Arbor's 9th World-Wide Infrastructure Security Survey

Gioanola, Marco mgioanola@arbor.net
Lun 21 Ott 2013 09:21:38 CEST

Buongiorno, mi scuso per l'intrusione, spero non sia di troppo disturbo.

Come ogni anno, Arbor Networks sta preparando l'Infrastructure Security Survey, dove raccogliamo i dati e le opinioni degli ISP riguardanti il fenomeno DDoS. Qui sotto c'è l'invito a partecipare al sondaggio, che estendo a tutti i partecipanti a itnog.

Nel caso ci fossero problemi con la mail html, il link per il survey è https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/FGY6KJD

Le otto precedenti edizioni possono essere scaricate da www.arbornetworks.com/report


Marco Gioanola
Consulting Engineer, EMEA
Arbor Networks
+39 339 7584747 (m)

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[ARBOR NETWORKS :: SMART.                  AVAILABLE.                  SECURE.]<http://email.arbornetworks.com/082KNA0870000160020qh00>

Invitation to Participate in Arbor Networks Infrastructure Security Survey<http://email.arbornetworks.com/082KNA0870000170020qh00>

Dear Sir / Madam,

Arbor Networks would like to invite you to participate in our annual infrastructure security survey<http://email.arbornetworks.com/082KNA0870000170020qh00>, an important initiative that touches service providers, enterprises, government agencies, universities and other network operators around the world.

The purpose of the survey is to gauge and report on general security issues, practices, procedures and observations from the industry. All data gathered from the survey will be compiled, analyzed and reported in Arbor's 9th annual Worldwide Infrastructure Security Report which will be published in early 2014. Individual responses will be treated anonymously and no respondent names or company names will appear in the report or accompanying presentations and/or marketing materials. For your reference, click here<http://email.arbornetworks.com/082KNA0870000180020qh00> to review a copy of our 8th annual Worldwide Infrastructure Security Report, issued earlier this year, based on responses to last year's survey.

Please click here to participate in the 2013 survey<http://email.arbornetworks.com/082KNA0870000170020qh00>. You will be directed to a secure (SSL) connection to begin the online questionnaire. Responding to the questions should take approximately 30 minutes of your time. We are requesting that you complete and submit the survey by October 31, 2013.

As an extra thank you for sharing your time with Arbor, when you submit a completed survey, we will enter your name into a drawing to win one of three Apple iPads with Retina display (16GB) (if, at the conclusion of the survey, you opt to be entered into the drawing). Winners will be randomly selected from completed surveys and the three winners will be notified via email, so please be sure to provide a valid email address when completing your survey.

Your industry perspectives are important to Arbor and we value your input. Thank you, in advance, for your participation. Please feel free to contact me at danstee@arbor.net<mailto:danstee@arbor.net> should you have any questions or would like additional information.

Best regards,

[Darren Anstee]
Darren Anstee
Manager, Solutions Architects
Arbor Networks

76 Blanchard Road | Burlington, MA 01803 USA | +1 781 362 4300
www.arbornetworks.com<http://email.arbornetworks.com/082KNA0870000160020qh00> | contact us<http://email.arbornetworks.com/082KNA0870000190020qh00>
© 2013 Arbor Networks, Inc. All rights reserved.

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