[ITNOG] Call for paper 2023
Brian Turnbow
Ven 10 Mar 2023 18:07:19 CET
Il call for papers ITNOG7 is online !
ecco un piccolo assaggio :-)
Past event feedback has shown interest from the attendees in sessions that
are practical and applicable to their networks. This year we will be giving
preference to presentations and tutorials that benefit the Italian
operators community on the following topics
- Ever changing network technologies drive the question of how to define
a "network engineer". What is the evolution?
- Access and backbone networks: design , technologies and operations
- Share your experiences, choices, best practices, and business
decisions on ipv6 deployment and ipv4 exhaustion
- Peering and Interconnections: tools, strategies and useful information
for building and maintaining a resilient Italian Internet
- Strategic Italian infrastructure from new undersea cables, new
datacenter s to ixps, Investments are being made tell us about them and who
decides what is "strategic"?
- SDN, Telemetry and Artificial intelligence are redefining Network
monitoring and orchestration, what are you doing?
Have another topic?
If it is technical and can be of interest to the community send it in.
Aspettiamo vostre proposte entro il 15/4 quindi raccogliete vs idea e
mandaci le proposte al program committee!
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