[ITNOG] Invito al Meetingtool di ITNOG7

Brian Turnbow brian@itnog.it
Ven 28 Apr 2023 18:15:05 CEST

Hello everyone,

If you are unable to find the email you may also go directly to the meeting
tool and request a password reset.


See you in 10 days!

On Fri, Apr 28, 2023 at 5:38 PM Marco Marzetti <marco@itnog.it> wrote:

> Buongiorno,
> Ci e' stato segnalato che in alcuni casi, gli inviti al meetingtool di
> ITNOG7 sono finiti in spam. Nel caso siate iscritti ad ITNOG e non abbiate
> ancora ricevuto l'email, vi consigliamo di controllare nello spam.
> Grazie
> ----
> Hello,
> We've been warned that - at least in some cases - invitations to the
> ITNOG7 meetingtool were caught by the antispam. In case you're registered
> and you haven't received it yet, please look in the spam folder.
> Regards
> --
> Mailing list info: http://lists.itnog.it/listinfo/itnog
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