[ITNOG] Fwd: [nog-org] NOG Survey - Reminder
Brian Turnbow
Mer 21 Set 2022 13:34:43 CEST
Survey chiude tra poco..
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Da: Alastair Strachan <astracha@ripe.net>
Date: ven 26 ago 2022, 11:17
Subject: [nog-org] NOG Survey - Reminder
To: <nog-org@ripe.net>
Hello all,
I hope you are keeping well.
I just wanted to drop you a quick message with regards to the ongoing NOG
participants survey. The survey has been open for just over 3 weeks and we
have already received over 170 responses. Whilst this is a good number,
especially considering the summer vacation period, it would be great if we
could get more people to complete it.
Could I ask you to please share the survey link with your NOG members and
respective lists again and remind them that it is still open. We plan on
closing it mid September so they still have a few weeks to complete.
The participants survey can be found here;
It would be greatly appreciated
If you haven’t yet completed the NOG organisers survey, please do so here:
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Kind Regard
Alastair Strachan
Community Development Officer
nog-org mailing list
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