[ITNOG] Fwd: NOG Survey - ITNOG

Brian Turnbow brian@itnog.it
Gio 15 Set 2022 09:32:05 CEST

Ripe sta eseguendo un survey dei partecipanti dii vari nog e chiedono un
feedback anche della communita Italiano.

Sotto il link per partecipare


From: Alastair Strachan <astracha@ripe.net>
Date: Wed, Sep 14, 2022 at 12:34 PM
Subject: NOG Survey - ITNOG
To: <board@itnog.it>


I hope you are keeping well

As you know, we currently have a survey open for NOG participants to give
their input on NOGs.


We have currently not yet received any response from ITNOG members and I
was wondering if you could send another email to your list asking for
responses.  We are planning on closing the survey next week.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Kind Regards

Alastair Strachan

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