[ITNOG] Fwd: [nog-org] RIPE NCC Community Projects Fund

Brian Turnbow brian@itnog.it
Mer 20 Lug 2022 15:16:35 CEST

Qualcuno interessa funding per un loro progetto?

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Alastair Strachan <astracha@ripe.net>
Date: Wed, Jul 20, 2022 at 10:17 AM
Subject: [nog-org] RIPE NCC Community Projects Fund
To: <nog-org@ripe.net>

Hello all,

I hope you are well.

Although this message isn’t directly involved with organising NOGs, I am
sure there will people within your NOGs who are working on exciting
projects that may benefit from funding.

The RIPE NCC Community Projects Fund gives funding to projects of value to
the operation, resilience and sustainability of the Internet.

The call for applications is now open.

We are organising an Open House on Tuesday 26 July at 12:00-13:30 CEST. It
is open to anyone to attend.

During the event you will hear a series of short presentations from
previous recipients, along with members of the selection committee and a
Q&A session.

If you are interested in applying for project funding or simply want to
hear more, register at:

Let me know if you have any questions!

Kind Regards
Alastair Strachan
nog-org mailing list
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