[ITNOG] Fwd: [ripe-list] Are You Ready for RIPE 80?
Massimiliano Stucchi
Lun 11 Maggio 2020 11:21:07 CEST
Questa settimana c'e' il RIPE Meeting, che per la prima volta sara'
tutto virtuale.
Registratevi! :)
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [ripe-list] Are You Ready for RIPE 80?
Date: Mon, 11 May 2020 10:43:23 +0200
From: RIPE NCC Event Team <meeting@ripe.net>
To: ripe-list@ripe.net
Dear colleagues,
RIPE 80 takes place from 12 - 14 May 2020. With more than 1,500 people
already registered, this will be the first completely-remote RIPE Meeting.
We have prepared a quick guide on how to register (for free), view
presentations, ask questions, and interact with the other participants:
You can find the Plenary and Working Group agendas in the interactive
meeting plan:
We have organised some informal sessions during the meeting:
Check out the parallel events that run alongside RIPE 80:
More information on RIPE 80 can be found at:
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter: @ripemeeting, #RIPE80
Best regards
Martina de Mas
RIPE Meetings Team
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