[ITNOG] [Misc] Research project on blacklists

Anushah Hossain anushah@icsi.berkeley.edu
Mer 17 Lug 2019 13:39:54 CEST

Hi everyone,

I'm a researcher at UC Berkeley and the International Computer Science
Institute. My colleagues and I are working on evaluating and improving the
accuracy of blacklists. As part of this work, we'd like to hear from you
about the blacklists you currently use, what you perceive as their
strengths and weaknesses, and any thoughts you have on how they might be

We've prepared an anonymous survey where you can share your views:

If you have five to ten minutes free today to fill it out, I would greatly
appreciate your help! Thank you, and please don't hesitate to respond to me
with comments or questions.

(Apologies if you receive this message twice - trying to minimize
cross-posting while still reaching a broad audience)


Anushah Hossain, PhD Student
Energy and Resources Group, UC Berkeley
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