[ITNOG] R: la lingua ufficiale di ITNOG

Massimo Candela mcandela@ripe.net
Mar 13 Nov 2018 22:46:49 CET

Ciao a tutti,

While I agree that the main purpose of ITNOG is to encourage dialog and 
knowledge sharing among Italian operators, it is also true that this 
knowledge sharing happens even more when we widen the borders.

One of the most important part of the NOG is the social networking 
happening during the event. And this, independently from the language of 
the presentations, is done among people in whatever language they prefer.

Having presentations only in Italian (and so probably having only 
Italian attendees) may result in a reduction of business opportunities 
and community growth.

I would allow both English and Italian and maybe introduce a real-time 
translation (no idea about the cost though).
If the real-time translation is too complicated/expensive, we could 
start with separated slots in the agenda, as long as the number of 
presentations is balanced among the two.
The current numbers suggest that the Italian attendees (greatest number 
of the attendees) are anyway comfortable in attending English sessions, 
even if with limited interaction. This makes me think that both the 
English and the Italian slots would be attended.


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