[ITNOG] typhoon and chunks
Brian Turnbow
Sab 11 Nov 2017 10:05:52 CET
Hi everyone
After my presentation yesterday I had a couple of questions from people
and I realized that one point was a little misleading.
When talking about typhoon and the 4 chunks , so from 32k shapers we got 4
blocks of 8k, I said that you need to have 4 interfaces to reach 32k. This
is the minimum , but what is more important is that each chunk will do
max 8k shapers.
So imagine you have a 9001 (2 typhoon npus) loaded up with 12 10g ports.
4 ports are uplink twords the network and 8 ports are kits.
This leaves you with 8 ports and 8x4 subinterfaces (based on 2 cos
bandwidths for nga and eth) , so we then these 32 subints are mapped
into 8 chunks.
This is where things get tricky trying to make sure you do not go over the
8k shapers and to check your mappings.
This without the use of Satellites.
For some good reading on chunks take a look at trident/typhoon detailed
qos guide , the asr9k cisco live presentations on qos and some of the
posts on the cisco support forums related to the bng implications.
Brian Turnbow
Network Manager
TWT S.p.A.
Viale Jenner, 33 - 20159 Milano - Italy
Tel +39-02-89089.1 - Fax +39-02-89089.211
E-mail: <mailto:b.turnbow@twt.it> b.turnbow@twt.it- Web:
<http://www.twt.it/> http://www.twt.it
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