[ITNOG] Call for presentations for the second ITNOG meeting
Marco d'Itri
Lun 19 Set 2016 14:43:42 CEST
ITNOG is the ITalian Network Operators Group: the second ITNOG meeting
will take place in Bologna on Thursday 3 November 2016.
For more information please visit http://www.itnog.it/itnog2/ .
The ITNOG2 Program Committee (PC) is now seeking content proposals for
the meeting that will take place in Bologna on Thursday 3 November 2016.
The presentations should cover topics including (but not limited to):
* Routing
* Interconnection
* Network software: monitoring, automation, tools
* Internet of Things (IoT)
* IPv6 deployment
* Datacenter technologies
* Networking-related research
Presentations should be in English and 15 to 55 minutes in length, and
should be submitted no later than Monday 17 October 2016.
For details please visit http://www.itnog.it/itnog2/cfp.html .
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