[ITNOG] Infrastruttura Skype

Simone Jarno Bruschi simone.bruschi@email.it
Lun 21 Set 2015 13:00:53 CEST

Il 20 Settembre 2015 22:45:44 CEST, "Arnoldi, Nicola" <Nicola.Arnoldi@sky.uk> ha scritto:
>Buonasera a tutti,
>c’e’ qualcuno di Infracom nel gruppo? (immagino di si…)
>In particolare mi servirebbe qualcuno che si occupi (o conosca
>qualcuno) dell’infrastruttura del MIX.
>Nicola Arnoldi
>IP Network Development Engineer
>IP Services
>IP Network Development
>Sky Network Services - UK
>Office: +442070327455 | Mobile: +447585531676 | Skype: nicola.arnoldi
>Information in this email including any attachments may be privileged,
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>communication through our internal and external networks. SKY and the
>SKY marks are trade marks of British Sky Broadcasting Group plc and are
>used under licence. British Sky Broadcasting Limited (Registration No.
>2906991), Sky Interactive Limited (Registration No. 3554332),
>Sky-In-Home Service Limited (Registration No. 2067075) and Sky
>Subscribers Services Limited (Registration No. 2340150) are direct or
>indirect subsidiaries of British Sky Broadcasting Group plc
>(Registration No. 2247735). All of the companies mentioned in this
>paragraph are incorporated in England and Wales and share the same
>registered office at Grant Way, Isleworth, Middlesex TW7 5QD.
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>SKY marks are trademarks of Sky plc and Sky International AG and are
>used under licence. Sky UK Limited (Registration No. 2906991),
>Sky-In-Home Service Limited (Registration No. 2067075) and Sky
>Subscribers Services Limited (Registration No. 2340150) are direct or
>indirect subsidiaries of Sky plc (Registration No. 2247735). All of the
>companies mentioned in this paragraph are incorporated in England and
>Wales and share the same registered office at Grant Way, Isleworth,
>Middlesex TW7 5QD.
>Mailing list info: http://lists.itnog.it/listinfo/itnog

Un dettaglio qualcuno e ha conoscenza del come mai questa mattina tutta la rete skype risulta essere offline?

Ma nella realta funziona?
Grazie infinite.
Simone Bruschi
la differenza tra la teoria e la pratica e' molto piu grande in pratica che in teoria.
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