[ITNOG] IPv6 e data retention
Antonio Prado
Mar 12 Maggio 2015 15:30:42 CEST
On 5/12/15 2:55 PM, Brian Turnbow wrote:
> Se non ricordo male diventa circa 70Byte in netflow cosi per ogni sessione.
> Cosi 30k sessione al giorno sono 2MB al giorno per utente, ogni 10k utente significa quasi 8TB al anno.
> Lasciando stare compressione etc.
il caso inglese veniva misurato cosi':
"How many individual CGN bindings, or session states, does each user
generate? One report I’ve seen points to an average of some 33,000
connections per end customer each day. If that's the case then the
implication is that each customer will generate some 17Mbytes of log
information every day. For a very large service provider, with, say,
some 25 million customers, that equates to a daily log file of
425Tbytes. If these CGN records were produced at an unrealistically
uniform rate per day, that's a constant log data flow of some 40Gbps. At
a more realistic estimate of the busy period peaking at 10 times the
average, the peak log data flow rate is some 400Gbps.
That's the daily load, but what about longer term data retention storage
demands? The critical questions here is the prevailing data retention
period. In some regimes it’s 2 years, while in other regimes it’s up to
7 years. Continuing with our example, holding this volume of data for 7
years of data will consume 1,085,875 Terrabytes, or 1.0 Exabytes to use
the language of excessively large numbers."
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