[ITNOG] Broadband in Italia
Gioanola, Marco
Lun 10 Mar 2014 09:41:45 CET
Che la penetrazione del broadband in Italia sia la più bassa (o tra le più basse) d'Europa non è una novità.
La frase "se 10 milioni di italiani..." ha poco senso e non ha nulla a che vedere col problema di cui sopra.
Un collega mi ha consigliato questo link: https://help.netflix.com/en/node/87, da cui si arriva a questo: https://help.netflix.com/en/node/306:
Internet Connection Speed Recommendations
Below are the internet speed requirements and recommendations for playing movies and TV shows on the Netflix website.
*Note: Internet speeds listed represent Download speeds.
0.5 Megabits per second - Required broadband connection speed
1.5 Megabits per second - Recommended broadband connection speed
3.0 Megabits per second - Recommended for DVD quality
5.0 Megabits per second - Recommended for HD quality
7.0 Megabits per second - Recommended for Super HD quality
12 Megabits per second - Recommended for 3D quality
Marco Gioanola
Consulting Engineer, EMEA
Arbor Networks
+39 339 7584747 (m)
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From: Davide Davini <diotonante@gmail.com<mailto:diotonante@gmail.com>>
Date: Sunday, March 9, 2014 8:11 PM
To: ITNOG <itnog@lists.itnog.it<mailto:itnog@lists.itnog.it>>
Subject: [ITNOG] Broadband in Italia
Cosa ne pensate? Stiamo davvero messi così male?
'Because Netflix already has a sizable international footprint, having the ability to put a title in 40 million homes provides leverage at the negotiating table. But even gaining access to the best content in the world doesn’t help Netflix in markets with poor broadband infrastructure, which makes much of Southern and Eastern Europe a low priority for entry. As one Italo insider put it, “If 10 million Italians were to tune in to ‘House of Cards’ on Netflix, they would suck up too much bandwidth for the show to be able to come through on their screens.”'
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