[ITNOG] RIPE 64 Call for Presentations
Daniele Arena
Mar 31 Gen 2012 14:26:02 CET
Ciao a tutti,
Vi ricordo che la scadenza per inviare una presentazione (o almeno un
abstract) per il prossimo RIPE Meeting (RIPE64, Lubiana 16-20 aprile)
è il 3 febbraio, ovvero questo venerdì!
Invito chi ha un tema interessante da presentare a proporlo per la
conferenza. La call originale è qua sotto.
On Tue, Dec 6, 2011 at 10:53 AM, Daniele Arena <daniele.arena@gmail.com> wrote:
> Ciao a tutti,
> Vi inoltro il Call for Presentations per la conferenza RIPE 64 che si
> terrà a Lubiana in aprile 2012. La scadenza per inviare una
> presentazione è il 3 febbraio, altrimenti verranno accettate solo se
> c'è ancora spazio nel programma.
> Spero che qualcuno della comunità ITNOG sia interessato a presentare!
> Anche se siete a conoscenza di qualche presentazione che sia
> interessante, metteteci in contatto con l'autore.
> Per qualsiasi domanda, scrivete a me oppure a <pc@ripe.net>.
> Saluti,
> Daniele
> (Per il RIPE Programme Committee)
> ++++++++++++++++
> RIPE 64: Call for Presentations
> RIPE 64 takes place on 16-20 April 2012 in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
> The RIPE Programme Committee (PC) is now seeking content proposals
> from the RIPE community for the Plenary, BoF and tutorial sessions at
> RIPE 64. The PC seeks presentations covering topics of network
> engineering and operations, including but not limited to:
> • IPv6 deployment
> • Managing IPv4 scarcity in operations
> • Commercial transactions of IPv4 addresses
> • Data centre technologies
> • Network and DNS operations
> • Internet governance and regulatory practices
> • Network and routing security
> * Content delivery
> * Internet peering and mobile data exchange
> Submissions
> ------------
> Attendees of the RIPE meetings are quite sensitive to keeping
> presentations non-commercial, and product marketing talks are strongly
> discouraged. Repeated audience feedback shows that the most successful
> talks focus on operational experience, research results, or case
> studies. For example, presenters wishing to describe a commercial
> solution should focus on the underlying technology and not attempt a
> product demonstration. Presenters who are proposing a panel or BOF are
> encouraged to include speakers from several (perhaps even competing)
> companies and/or a neutral facilitator. Presenters should indicate
> how much time they will require (30 minutes is a common maximum
> duration, although some talks can be longer).
> Proposals for presentations must be submitted for full consideration
> no later than *3 February* using the online topic submission system
> at:
> http://meetings.ripe.net/pc/
> Presentations submitted after this date will be considered on a
> space-available basis.
> In addition to presentations selected in advance for the plenary, the
> RIPE PC also offers several timeslots for “lightning talks” which are
> selected immediately before or during the conference. Lightning talks
> are short (10 mins maximum) and often involve more timely topics.
> Lightning talks will be announced shortly before the conference.
> If you are aware of a talk that might be interesting to the community,
> please provide us with the details and we will approach the potential
> speaker.
> If you have any questions or requests concerning content submissions,
> please email pc@ripe.net.
> For more information about RIPE 64, including how to register, visit:
> http://ripe64.ripe.net/
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