Your invitation to the German IPv6 conference
Scassellati Gianpaolo
Gio 12 Mar 2009 14:46:18 CET
Il "german only" può creare qualche difficoltà... Però se a qualcuno interessa...
-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: Frank P. Orlowski []
Inviato: giovedì 12 marzo 2009 11.08
Oggetto: [DE-CIX peering] Your invitation to the German IPv6 conference
Dear friends and customers,
this is your invitation to the German IPv6 conference that will take place in Frankfurt on May 28-29, 2008. This two day event is hosted by DE-CIX, heise Netze and iX (a leading publisher of IT magazines in Germany) and will provide in depth information on the strategic and technical aspects of IPv6.
If you register on or before March 13, 2008 you can take advantage of a special rebate (EUR 490+VAT). The conference language will be german only.
More information is available online:
Best Regards from Frankfurt/Germany,
The DE-CIX Team
DE-CIX Management GmbH
Lindleystr. 12, 60314 Frankfurt
Geschaeftsfuehrer Harald A. Summa
Registergericht AG Koeln, HRB 51135
Zentrale: Lichtstr. 43i, 50825 Koeln
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